Our scholarship programs
One of the Foundation’s actions is to support youth living in OMHM housing by helping them in school. Individual scholarships are granted annually to some of these students.
These scholarships are awarded under the Persévéra program and a partnership agreement between the Foundation and Éducaide. This fund’s mission is to give financial aid to young people from less privileged backgrounds by awarding perseverance scholarships.
The Foundation has chosen to work with Éducaide, an organization that supports persevering students in their third year of high school in order to help them financially until they obtain their first degree.
Thanks to this partnership, the Foundation offers a $500 perseverance scholarship to several students enrolled in Grade 3 who live in low-income housing managed by the Office municipal d'habitation de Montréal (OMHM).
If the student perseveres, this sponsorship is renewed in Secondary 4 and 5, for a total of $1,500 until he or she graduates from high school.
Each year, several young people can benefit from this sponsorship thanks to the generosity of our donors.
As part of our collaboration with the Collège de Montréal Foundation, we are calling for applications to enable several students to obtain a scholarship to pursue their secondary studies at the Collège de Montréal, free of charge.
From May 6th 1 to July 1st, 2024
Eligibility criteria
- Have one or more children entering grade 6 in September 2024
- Live in a HLM managed by the Office municipal d'habitation de Montréal
- Provide student's final report card for grades 4 and 5
Selection criteria
- Minimum average of 75% in French and mathematics
Given the limited number of places available for these scholarships, only the best applications will be selected.
Important information
- Parents must ensure that the Collège de Montréal location does not present an issue for them or their child.
Collège de Montréal
1931 Sherbrooke St. West,
Montréal, QC H3H 1E3
Guy Concordia Metro - NO school bus service is offered
- All communications with students are by e-mail. It is therefore essential that you and your child have access to the Internet. Students will receive a loaner computer or tablet to receive assignments, agendas and communications.
- Lunch boxes: all registered students must have a lunch box.
- Shoes: mandatory for physical education classes.
- Uniforms: A large thrift store will be held, where you can buy everything you need for your child's uniform. You will receive a communication from the Collège de Montréal.
- Ipad/computer: on loan from Collège de Montréal. You will receive a communication from Collège de Montréal.
- Parents agree to regularly consult the e-mail address sent to the Collège to receive all communications.
- Parents agree to take part in parent meetings.
- Parents agree to keep their children informed about the progress of their studies and to contact the Collège if any problems arise.
- ***Une rencontre d'information est prévue avec les parents des étudiants boursiers sélectionnés, la présence des parents y est fortement recommandée.
REMINDER : ONLY successful applicants will be contacted by Collège de Montréal in the fall of 2024 to register their child. If you do not receive a communication regarding your child's admission, your child has not been selected. We will not contact unsuccessful applicants.
Upload document
- Grade 4 school report
- Grade 5 school report*
*If you have not yet received your child's latest school report at the time of completing this form, please e-mail it to me as soon as you receive it - fondation@omhm.qc.ca.
Download document
- Collège de Montréal brochure (French only)
- Back-to-school checklist (French only)
If you're having trouble navigating the website, filling in the online form, you can get help by contacting us by e-mail or by phone : 514-868-2345.
Programme de soutien financier bourses postsecondaires (formation professionnelle et collégiale)
Total |
Annuel |
Bourses formation professionnelle |
750 $ |
750 $ |
Total |
Annuel |
Automne |
Hiver |
Bourses collégiales DEC technique (3 ans) |
2 250 $ |
750 $ |
375 $ |
375 $ |
Bourses collégiales DEC préuniversitaire (2 ans) |
1 500 $ |
750 $ |
375 $ |
375 $ |
*Possibilité de renouvellement pour 3 sessions (programme préuniversitaire) ou 5 sessions (programme technique) à condition de maintenir son inscription à temps plein ou réputé(e) à temps plein.
Les « bourses postsecondaire » sont créés par La Fondation La Clé et se tiennent du 15 mai au 30 septembre 2024.
Vous recevrez un courriel de confirmation de l’obtention de la bourse au plus tard le 15 octobre 2024.
- Demeurer dans un logement HLM géré par l’Office Municipal d’habitation de Montréal
- Être inscrit.e à l'automne 2024, à Montréal, dans un programme de formation professionnelle1 ou collégiale au sein d'un établissement d'enseignement reconnu2
- Être un étudiant à temps plein ou réputé(e) à temps plein
- Avoir moins de 25 ans au moment de l'application
1 Pour le Québec : la formation professionnelle conduit à un diplôme d’études professionnelles (DEP) ou à une attestation de spécialisation professionnelle (ASP) délivrés par le ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieur, ou à une attestation d’études professionnelles (AEP) délivrée par un centre de services scolaire (CSS) ou une commission scolaire anglophone ou à statut particulier (CS).
2 Les bourses sont ouvertes à tout participant étant engagé dans un établissement d’enseignement reconnu qui doit être inscrit sur la liste d'établissements d'enseignement agrées du gouvernement du Canada ou sur la liste du ministère de l'Éducation du Québec.
Document à téléverser
- Preuve d'inscription à un programme postsecondaire débutant à l'automne 2024
Les personnes qui éprouvent des difficultés à naviguer dans le site Web, pour remplir le formulaire peuvent obtenir de l’assistance en communiquant avec nous par courriel.