Youth Spokespersons

Our determined Ambassadors

Our determined Ambassadors


Leidy Paola Duque

Leidy Paola Duque

André-Laurendeau Cégep student Leidy wants to become an architect and run her own business. Apart from being involved as a Youth Spokesperson for the Foundation, she is involved with MOUV, an organization created for and by our youth aimed at helping other kids.

Leidy Paola Duque

André-Laurendeau Cégep student Leidy wants to become an architect and run her own business. Apart from being involved as a Youth Spokesperson for the Foundation, she is involved with MOUV, an organization created for and by our youth aimed at helping other kids.

Iman Youbi

Iman Youbi

A student in the Bachelor of Mathematics program at the Université de Montréal, Iman is very involved in youth organizations. She volunteers with the MOUV, for the Forum Jeunesse de l’Île de Montréal, and for Le Rebond, a Website and Blog destined to young people living in OMHM housing. She also finds time to excel in sports and wears a blue belt in Taekwondo.

Iman Youbi

A student in the Bachelor of Mathematics program at the Université de Montréal, Iman is very involved in youth organizations. She volunteers with the MOUV, for the Forum Jeunesse de l’Île de Montréal, and for Le Rebond, a Website and Blog destined to young people living in OMHM housing. She also finds time to excel in sports and wears a blue belt in Taekwondo.

Sihem Youbi

Sihem Youbi

A McGill University student on her way to becoming an elementary school teacher, Sihem enjoys getting involved in the community and volunteer. Like her sister, she is very active in MOUV and writes chronicles for Le Rebond.

Sihem Youbi

A McGill University student on her way to becoming an elementary school teacher, Sihem enjoys getting involved in the community and volunteer. Like her sister, she is very active in MOUV and writes chronicles for Le Rebond.

Open Letter

Open Letter

Youth living in OMHM housing also wish to succeed!


Youth living in OMHM housing also wish to succeed!

We are aware that our communities may make some people uncomfortable, which we believe can be explained by lack of knowledge and deep-rooted prejudices that have lingered for far too long. We have stopped counting the number of times comments are made regarding our housing conditions, and yet, a place of residence does not define a person in any way.

We are proud to speak openly of our situation and believe we can break down the stereotypes concerning young people like us Talking about your community, to say loud and proud where we live, that’s what changes everything! We don’t have to hide. We should not be afraid to take our place in the world. We are not alone.

Growing up in low-rent housing does not mean we lack talent or are any less determined than others. Like our fellow classmates, we foster dreams and are determined to succeed. However, resources are sometimes fewer and family support may not always be present. It’s a fact: a family’s economic situation is a key factor for succeeding in school.

For us, school perseverance is both an individual and collective act. On one hand, each of us must take our studies seriously and dedicate the necessary effort. On the other hand, without encouragement and support from the people around us, the school system and society in general, it can be a struggle to keep on going.

Moving forward together!
All three of us have made it our duty to get involved in society and to work towards becoming inspiring examples for other youngsters to look up to, be it through participation in the Forum Jeunesse de l’île de Montréal, the Pan-Canadian Youth Parliament of the Franco-Canadian Youth Federation, or even through MOUV, a movement put in place for and by youth living in OMHM housing.

We have been fortunate to have support, whether from the people around us, our extraordinary teachers, or Fondation La Clé. For these reasons, we wish to give back and make a true difference in the lives of others.


To all young students, we say this: Time has come to break the barriers between us - there are already enough in society. Let us unite and encourage each other!

The letter is co-signed by Leidy Paola Duque, Iman and Sihem Youbi.

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