Funding of community organizations

Hope for our youth!

Some 10,000 young people live in housing managed by the Office municipal d’habitation de Montréal (OMHM). There are many community organizations offering them activities, often in the same complexes where they live. The Foundation supports projects offered by these organizations.

Aide aux devoirs



We invite you to discover the 7 organizations we will be supporting over the next three years.


Quartier Petite-Bourgogne — HLM Canning, Albert I and II, Îlot Saint-Martin, Petite-Bourgogne, Workman-Notre-Dame

Atelier 850 — Project: Enriched extracurricular program

Encourages perseverance and success at school, contributes to food security, encourages healthy living habits, provides the opportunity to partake in activities which would otherwise be unavailable.

It is the only French organization in the neighbourhood characterized by a large number of low-income families many with numerous children, many single-family, many with socio-economic problems. Important proportion of allophones and visible minorities.

Project Description
± 45 kids from 6 to 12 years old with an increase of 60 kids during COVID-19

Enriched extracurricular program offering:

  • Academic support: help with homework, individual support, tutoring
  • Healthy habits: snacks, physical activities and games
  • Technology support: computer workshops
Quartier Ville-Émard/Côte-Saint-Paul — HLM des Trinitaires/de La Vérendrye

Centre d’aide à la réussite et au développement (CARD) — Project: Actions to support and encourage students

This project contributes to developing the students’ full potential, their initiative, and their sense of responsibility (homework help, follow-up with parents and teachers, writing a book, workshops encouraging citizen participation).

Families living in vulnerable situations. High proportion of socio-economically disadvantaged population, superior to the Montreal average. More than 50% of the families are immigrants and allophone. Many young people have behavioural problems and learning difficulties which have been exacerbated by the pandemic. The situation in many families has deteriorated because of feelings of isolation, students who are lagging behind or difficulty of parents with little schooling, all conditions which greatly affect motivation, perseverance and success at school.

Project Description
± 30 kids from 5 to 17 years old, parents


  • Encouraging school perseverance and support from parents with children having learning and behavioural problems;
  • Emphasizing the importance of parents being involved in their children’s education and counting on children to be creative.
Quartier Rosemont/Petite – Patrie — HLM Rosemont

Centre communautaire Petite-Côte (CCPC) — Pedagogical support for students

Encouraging success, preventing dropping out, offering favourable conditions for doing school work, encouraging independence, developing good work habits, increasing self-esteem, support from significant people.

High proportion of immigrant families, learning and behavioural problems, little or no support at home, allophones. The workshops given to help students in school are both effective and offer protection.

Project Description
± 18 to 20 kids from 5 to 12 years old.

The project was recommended by a committee of partners concerned with the academic success of 5 – 12 year olds.

Three types of activities:

  • Support workshops: small groups.
  • Individual support workshops for children with severe problems.
  • Sessions of interactive, literary animation combined with sports activities.
Arrondissement Lachine — HLM Place Lachine

Comité de vie de quartier Duff-Court (COVIQ) — Pedagogical support for students

Isolated low-rent housing neighbourhood, credible organization with roots in the community, particularly disadvantaged neighbourhood, high number of families living below the poverty line, difficult conditions: families’ low incomes, level of schooling very low, unemployment rate on the rise, high percentage of households dependent on government programs, etc. Over half of the families have many children and are led by single parents, mostly women. Over 50 % of adults over 20 years old did not complete their high school education, parents are not well equipped to help their children with their schoolwork, lack of space suitable for concentrating, lack of access to adapted technological tools.

Project Description
25 kids from 6 to 12 years old and their parents.

Personalized pedagogical support in an environment suited for learning. Offering pedagogical activities, homework help to kids identified by the school and with material suggested by the teachers including artistic activities (arts and crafts, drama), snacks, access to the Internet and to Chromebooks for on-line exercises. Followed by parents and teachers to encourage collaboration and tracking the success of these students.

Arrondissement Montréal-Nord — HLM Place Normandie

Coup de pouce jeunesseClub Réussite

Isolated neighbourhood. Few nearby services. Young residents more likely to drop out of school (factors which accentuate this risk: parents’ low level of schooling, precarious socio-economic situations, single-parent households, disadvantaged neighbourhood). These students have also been greatly affected by the pandemic.

Project Description
± 55 kids from 6 to 12 years old, parents, teenagers.

Offering homework help and continuing assistance at school based on factors favorable to success. Help with learning good work habits, fun activities. Training for parents to better accompany their children. Availability of spaces for studying equipped with the necessary technological equipment.

Quartier Ahuntsic — HLM André-Grasset, Meunier Tolhurst, Saint-Sulpice

L’entre-Maison — Ahuntsic — Youth and family intervention – school perseverance

Context :
This project is offered to the population of three OMHM communities. The clientele is complex and many live in financial insecurity. Many of these youth have difficulty at school which is compounded by learning and behavourial problems. The parents do not have the knowledge or ressources to help their children.

Project description
± 80 kids from 6 to 12 years old, parents

The students are recommended by the school for the services offered (homework help, progress meetings). They have access to technological equipment and artistic activities. The project also involves one-on-one help for parents.

Arrondissement Villeray/Saint-Michel/Parc-Extension — HLM Fabre-Marquette, Rousselot, Fabre, Saint-Grégoire, Villeray

Rousselot Project — Corporation d’Éducation Jeunesse — Propulsion Avenir Jeunesse Project

Ateliers thématiques à l’intention des jeunes et de leurs parents

There exists among certain young people living in OMHM communities a lack of motivation as well as delinquency and problems resulting in dropping out of school. The local elementary school has observed that teachers do not always have enough time to teach transversal competencies or content related to school and professional orientation. This project concentrates on this aspect of school curriculum which according to the minister of Education plays an essential role in learning, being motivated and succeeding in school.

Project Description
±30 to 40 kids between 8 and 9 and 13 and 14 years old, parents.

This project aims at discovering transversal competencies and developing the child’s self knowledge as well as knowledge about school and the professional world in general. This is done through various workshops and games. These activities encourage cognitive, social and emotional development and allow the student to be more aware of the importance of school and consequently of persevering at school. The objective is to help the student to know himself better, to identify his personality traits and to be prepared for the challenges faced while at school and later on, in the workforce. The student will able to resolve problems, develop efficient work habits and understand information technology. The potential of these students is optimised; they will learn to cooperate, to ‘ live together ‘ and to communicate appropriately.



*Conditions apply for the annual renewal of the funding.



Dans le cadre de sa mission, la Fondation La Clé souhaite financer des organismes communautaires dont la mission et les activités appuient les jeunes des HLM de Montréal dans la poursuite de leurs études et le développement de leur plein potentiel.

Année de l’appel de projets – 2024-2025

Période couverte par le projet – 1er septembre 2024 au 30 juin 2025




Du 1er mars 2024 au 15 avril 2024


Juillet 2024

REMISE DE LA SUBVENTION 1ère année (dépôt direct)

Septembre 2024


Au plus tard le 31 mai 2025

REMISE DE LA SUBVENTION 2ème année (dépôt direct)

Septembre 2025


Au plus tard le 31 mai 2026

REMISE DE LA SUBVENTION 3ème année (dépôt direct)

Septembre 2026


Au plus tard le 31 mai 2027


Du 1er mars 2024 au 15 avril 2024


Juillet 2024

REMISE DE LA SUBVENTION 1ère année (dépôt direct)

Septembre 2024


Au plus tard le 31 mai 2025

REMISE DE LA SUBVENTION 2ème année (dépôt direct)

Septembre 2025


Au plus tard le 31 mai 2026

REMISE DE LA SUBVENTION 3ème année (dépôt direct)

Septembre 2026


Au plus tard le 31 mai 2027


Critères d’admissibilités

Afin de pouvoir déposer votre candidature, vous devez pouvoir répondre à tous les critères d’admissibilités ci-dessous :

  • Être un organisme à but non lucratif privé
  • Œuvrer auprès de jeunes âgés entre 6 à 25 ans et de leur famille résidant dans des HLM gérés par l’OMHM
  • Être un partenaire de l’OMHM (la participation de locataires de l’OMHM au Conseil d’administration de l’organisme est souhaitable) et/ou travailler principalement avec les jeunes des HLM de Montréal.
  • Exister depuis trois ans ou plus
  • Être en mesure de démontrer sa capacité de gérer les fonds attribués, de veiller à la planification de ses activités et de leur évaluation
  • Répondre aux exigences de l’OMHM en vue d’offrir un environnement sécuritaire (ex. : ratio d’encadrement, assurances)
  • Ne pas être relié à une formation religieuse ou politique


Objectifs visés

Le projet développé devra être réalisé dans l’objectif d’appuyer la persévérance scolaire des jeunes par l’un des moyens identifiés ci-dessous :

  • Aide aux devoirs
  • Promouvoir l’initiative et la créativité
  • Accroître le sentiment de fierté et d’estime de soi


Document à joindre à votre demande

  • Lettres patentes de votre organisme
  • Le rapport annuel de votre organisme
  • Vos États financiers de la dernière année et vos prévisions budgétaires pour l’année en cours
  • Une résolution de votre conseil d’administration désignant une personne habilitée à signer la présente demande
  • Tout autre document pertinent au projet (lettre d’intention, dépliant, revue de presse, photos, etc.)
  • Montage financier à remplir (document téléchargeable)


Documents téléchargeables



Suite à l’approbation de votre projet vous devrez fournir :

  • Une copie de votre police d’assurance responsabilité civile avec une protection minimale de deux millions de dollars pour les blessures corporelles et les dommages matériels et dans laquelle la Fondation La Clé est désignée comme coassurée.
  • Spécimen de chèque pour dépôt direct
  • Formulaire d’autorisation de dépôt direct dûment rempli



Tous les organismes soutenus doivent soumettre leur reddition de compte annuellement. Vous trouverez ci-dessous les formulaires à compléter en fonction de l’année en cours.


N.B. Veuillez joindre tous les documents que vous jugez pertinents à l’appui de votre reddition de compte.

  • Si vous avez des témoignages de jeunes ou d’intervenants qui pourront servir à promouvoir les activités de financement de la Fondation, veuillez les joindre, avec les autorisations de publication.
  • Veuillez joindre des photos d’activités (format numérique) de votre projet, notez qu’un formulaire d’utilisation de photo (à télécharger) devra être signé par les parents des jeunes de moins de 18 ans apparaissant sur la photo.
  • Lorsque disponible, pourriez-vous nous faire parvenir votre dernier rapport d’activités incluant les activités financées par la Fondation.
  • Téléversez le document de soutien financier, remplissez-le et téléversez-le avec les autres documents.


Par la suite, notre comité interne fera l’analyse de vos résultats et nous communiquerons avec vous au plus tard le 30 septembre pour vous confirmer la reconduction de votre financement et vous faire parvenir le chèque s’il y a lieu.

Support for youth organizations testimony
Support for youth organizations testimony

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© 2021 Copyright, All Rights Reserved, Fondation La Clé